Thursday, February 28, 2019

Final call for Conference abstracts - due on March 31

Reminder - The OU WaTER Center is now soliciting abstracts for posters and oral presentations for the OU International WaTER Conference to be held in Norman, Oklahoma on September 16-17, 2019 (with post-Conference short courses on September 18).

Oral or poster presentations dealing with any technical, anthropological, sociological, cultural, social entrepreneurship or legal aspect of water and sanitation in emerging regions are invited.

Interested participants should submit an abstract of no more than 500 words to the Conference Selection Committee by March 31, 2019 for both domestic and international submissions.

Rural villagers rely on technologies that are creative, simple, and affordable.

The abstract should include a succinct but descriptive title of the proposed presentation, and name, affiliation, and contact information (including email) of the authors. The abstract should identify the topic of the proposed presentation and should include a brief description of the actual project or innovation. The abstract should also discuss the significant results of the efforts and conclusions or recommendations drawn from the study. 

Broad topical areas include the following:
  • water quantity - effects of climate change on water resources, rural water challenges, hydrology and water security
  • water quality - arsenic / fluoride mitigation, microbiological quality, household water treatment
  • water equity and security - legal issues in water security, food, water and energy, global environmental health, capacity building in WaSH
  • and many more!
To submit your abstract, go to the Conference page.
For more conference details, go to
The Water Prize Award Banquet is one of the highlights of every WaTER Conference.