Local school children welcomed representatives from the OU
WaTER Center this past January to learn more about the world’s water crisis. Students
from Terra Verde Discovery School of Norman listened to the Director of the
WaTER Center, Dr. David Sabatini, as he identified opportunities and ways in
which the WaTER Center works towards finding solutions to water issues in
developing countries. He was accompanied
by staff member Cindy Vitt Murphy, who spoke to the awareness and importance of
clean water, sanitation and hygiene in our world, and Dean Huffine, engineering
student and president of Sooners Without Borders, who outlined in detail
opportunities for international service projects in these impoverished
countries available to students of the University of Oklahoma.
Dr. Sabatini addresses the Terra Verde students about the WaTER Center |
Sooners Without Borders President Dean Huffine tells about engineering experiences in developing regions |
The Terra Verde students’ interest in global water issues
began through reading the book A Long Walk to Water, which inspired the
students to learn more about the need for clean water. Since that time, they have visited water
treatment plants, learned about local pollution problems, researched companies
providing water solutions, experienced gathering and filtering their own murky
water, and began projects to raise money for those less fortunate, all the
while, developing a sense of empathy and understanding.
29 lbs of can tabs were collected for Sister Rosemary's vocational school in Uganda |
During the visit from the WaTER Center, the students
presented Dr. Sabatini with nearly 30 lbs of can tabs which are used by a
vocational school in Uganda run by longtime WaTER Center friend Sister Rosemary
Nyirumbe. They also had hands on
experience with what it is like to carry 40 lbs of water. Notes sent to the
WaTER Center after the presentation, clearly revealed sincere student interest
and desire to learn and become more involved in solutions to this most
important global issue. We look forward
to learning more about the activities of these young students and budding
problem solvers and philanthropists.
Students experience what it's like to carry 40 lbs of water, the average amount carried by women in Africa |